Saturday, July 13, 2024

Life Life is great, Weird but great, Life is everything, Love and hate, Life is you, Beauty and soul, Life is me, Weak and strong, Life is a friend, To talk and tell, Life is the world, Tears and joy, Life is the ocean, Huge my friend, Life is understand, That there is a god, Life is the pasion, To create a song, Life is in you. Life is love


Life is great,
Weird but great,
Life is everything,
Love and hate,
Life is you,
Beauty and soul,
Life is me,
Weak and strong,
Life is a friend,
To talk and tell,
Life is the world,
Tears and joy,
Life is the ocean,
Huge my friend,
Life is understand,
That there is a god,
Life is the pasion,
To create a song,
Life is in you.
Life is love